As you will be aware the government has announced the final stages of relaxation of the Covid-19 rules. However, our advice to patients is that they should continue to follow the existing COVID-19 safety measures after Monday 19 July in all healthcare settings.
Patients and visitors to Lincolnshire Healthcare settings are reminded:
You should continue to contact your practice via telephone or using their online services (askmyGP). You will be offered one of a range of consultations such as telephone, video or email. Face-to-face appointment will only be offered where clinically required.
Access to the practice will only be granted to patients who have a pre-booked appointment or prescriptions to collect.
Not to attend any healthcare setting if you have COVID-19 symptoms. Please isolate and access a COVID-19 test as soon as possible.
If you are offered a face-to-face appointment you should attend the practice alone where possible due to social distancing measures, and you will be required to wear a face covering unless you are medically exempt (subject to clinician's assessment).
You will also be required to sanitise your hands on arrival and when leaving the surgery.
Visiting for relatives and friends in inpatient settings remains available by appointment only. Please visit the relevant organisation’s website or contact the ward for more detailed local arrangements.
NHS111 remains available 24 hours a day over the phone, online at and via the mobile app to provide advice and support if you need help quickly but it isn’t an emergency, before making a journey to healthcare services in person. NHS111 can also provide access telephone and video consultations with local, experienced clinicians.
Please be assured that we continue to offer high quality and safe healthcare as we have throughout this challenging time. We would like to thank you for your continued support and understanding.