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Practice Update – 22.05

Following on from previous articles, the practice is continuing to take steps to minimise the risk posed to vulnerable patients and staff alike, in line with NHS guidelines. Please note the following;

  1. The practice is now reinstating LTC blood and review appointments, whilst continuing to offer immunisations. If you have any concerns regarding immunisations please do not hesitate to contact the Reception who may be able to offer an option of having the immunisations in your car or outside the building.

  2. We are asking all patients over the age of 2 years old to wear a face covering, if possible. This is in line with government guidance where the public have been advised to wear a face covering in the event that social distancing is not possible.

  3. If you do have an appointment at the surgery we are asking that you arrive no earlier than five minutes before your appointment time to minimise your time in the practice. As we are limiting the amount of people in the surgery you may be asked to wait in your car or outside the building if the waiting area has reached maximum occupancy.

  4. As of the 26/05, the dispensary query and repeats phone line will be reverting back to our usual times. The repeat line is will be open from 10am-12pm, and the query line will be open from 9:30am-12:30pm, and again at 2:30pm-5pm. The window will remain open 9am-5pm to collect prescriptions.



As highlighted in past articles, the practice is still upholding the following;

  1. The provision of online service appointments is temporarily suspended, to ensure that all appointment requests are triaged via the Reception team and patients are navigated to the most appropriate clinician/service

  2. We request that all patients attending the surgery are accompanied by a maximum of one person, to minimise the amount of people in the waiting area

  3. The practice has provided personal protective equipment to all front line staff, including those on the front desk and dispensary windows

  4. The Reception team will continue to ask your presenting condition/symptoms in order to ascertain both the appropriate clinician/service alongside gauging the risk of Coronavirus. It is in your best interest to provide the correct necessary information at the point of booking (including when submitting a request via Ask my GP), failure to do so may result in an unnecessary delay or cancellation of your appointment.

  5. Any queries with regards to Coronavirus, please go to nhs.111 online at; or via phone before contacting the surgery.

  6. ‘Ask my GP’ system is now in place, which allows queries to be submitted to practice staff in text format which will be directed to an appropriate clinician to review, respond to and action. You can access this service via the home page of our website, alternatively if you have any problems accessing this service please discuss this with a member of our reception team via the main number on 01529 303301.

  7. Social distancing of 2 metres between people must be adhered to within the practice where possible.

  8. All medication orders can be posted in the white post-box or online

  9. Any medication queries can be made via email to

We thank you for your help at this difficult time and will continue to keep you up to date with the situation going forward, via our Facebook page and website, including any further changes we may make to minimise the risk of spread of the virus.


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