We have been advised that our patients may have received scam emails regarding their coronavirus booster vaccinations and their vaccination passports. These emails may include the practice logo and/or the NHS logo and request that the person receiving them clicks on a link to apply for their covid vaccination certificates/passports or to book in for their coronavirus vaccinations.
They may also include a time limit to reply by, and note that if not replied by the set date, that they will be ‘skipped’ and will move onto the next person on the list due for their vaccines.
These are scam emails and should be deleted. Under no circumstances should these be replied to, or the link followed.

To protect yourselves and your loved ones from scams in relation to the coronavirus vaccinations, please be mindful of the below;
At this time, you will not be recalled for your vaccinations via email. You will either receive a letter advising you how to book in for your vaccination, or a text with a link to follow. This link leads to a site called ‘accurx’ which has a green banner along the top. The only details that you will need to confirm is your date of birth.
At no point will you be asked to provide financial details, the vaccination is free.
Please keep vigilant of the scams that arise from the covid vaccination process and use the above details to avoid being caught out.
For further information regarding booster vaccinations, please see our separate blog post entitled ‘Covid Booster Vaccinations’.