As you may have heard on the news, the government has informed us that the appointments booked for the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine should now be postponed.
We understand that this may cause confusion or uncertainty for those affected. We would like to share with you therefore the latest medical advice and locality specific information that we have.
The new medical advice that has been provided is as follows:
“The second dose of the vaccine remains effective when given up to 12 weeks after the first dose, and should be given towards the end of this 12 week period. While you will need two doses of the vaccine to get the best long-term protection from the virus, you will still have a significant level of protection at 22 days after you received the first dose. The new guidance will also help ensure that as many people as possible benefit from the first dose of the vaccine as soon as possible. Please be reassured that there are no safety concerns in the new guidance, and it will not impact on how effective the vaccination is in protecting you from Covid-19 once the course is complete”
We have been instructed by NHS England that this change must be implemented. Due to the tight timings involved, our CCG and Primary Care Network have agreed the following:
Patients aged over 80 years, with a booked appointment at The Meres Leisure Centre on Tuesday 5th January WILL GO AHEAD as planned
Patients aged over 80 years, with appointments booked for a second dose Wednesday 6th January, Thursday 7th January SHOULD NOT attend and they will be contacted and advised that their appointment will be taking place at a later date and a new appointment given
We fully appreciate that this may cause concern for our patients and would advise that if you require further information regarding the vaccine, you visit
Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation.